The R package CGGP
implements the adaptive composite
grid using Gaussian process models presented in a forthcoming
publication by Matthew Plumlee, Collin Erickson, Bruce Ankenman, et al.
It provides an algorithm for running sequential computer experiments
with thousands of data points.
The composite grid structure imposes strict requirements on which points should be evaluated. The inputs chosen to be evaluated are specified by the algorithm. This does not work with preexisting data sets, it is not a regression technique. This only works in sequential experimental design scenarios: you start with no data, and then decide which points to evaluate in batches according to the algorithm.
When to use it:
You have not started collecting data yet, or only have a small data set
You will collect 5,000 to 100,000 data points
You will collect data iteratively
Your simulation has four to twenty input dimensions
The simulation output is deterministic (evaluating the same input twice always returns the same value)
Why you should use it:
Gaussian process models, a common model choice for modeling computer experiments, have computation issues for more than a thousand data points
Accuracy is much better than popular machine learning algorithms, which are better suited for noisy data
You should have a deterministic function that takes d-dimensional input that you can evaluate for any point in the unit cube [0, 1]d. The points generated by the algorithm will be given to you to evaluate, then you will return the function output for each input point. The model will be fit to this data and you will be able to use it to make predictions or evaluate additional points.
To begin, use CGGPcreate
to create a CGGP
object. You must tell it the number of input dimensions d and the number of points for the
first batch. For example, if d = 6 and you want to begin will 100
points, you can create a model mod
with the following
# Create the initial design
d <- 6
mod <- CGGPcreate(d=d, batchsize=100)
#> CGGP object
#> d = 6
#> output dimensions = 1
#> CorrFunc = PowerExponential
#> number of design points = 97
#> number of unevaluated design points = 97
#> Available functions:
#> - CGGPfit(CGGP, Y) to update parameters with new data
#> - CGGPpred(CGGP, xp) to predict at new points
#> - CGGPappend(CGGP, batchsize) to add new design points
#> - CGGPplot<name>(CGGP) to visualize CGGP model
Now mod
will contain all the relevant information for
the composite grid design and model. Most importantly, it has the
initial set of points that must be evaluated. These are accessed as
Now you must pass these points to your function to be evaluated.
Once you have the data for each row of mod$design
, you
can now fit the model using CGGPfit
mod <- CGGPfit(mod, Y)
#> CGGP object
#> d = 6
#> output dimensions = 1
#> CorrFunc = PowerExponential
#> number of design points = 97
#> number of unevaluated design points = 0
#> Available functions:
#> - CGGPfit(CGGP, Y) to update parameters with new data
#> - CGGPpred(CGGP, xp) to predict at new points
#> - CGGPappend(CGGP, batchsize) to add new design points
#> - CGGPplot<name>(CGGP) to visualize CGGP model
Now that you have a fitted model, you can either use it to make predictions at points, or augment the design with additional runs.
To use the model to predict the output at new points, use the
function CGGPpred
or predict
be the matrix whose rows are the points that you want
to make predictions at. Then the following will return a list with the
mean and predictive variance for each row of xp
xp <- matrix(runif(d*100), ncol=d)
str(CGGPpred(CGGP=mod, xp=xp))
#> List of 2
#> $ mean: num [1:100, 1] -0.175 0.472 -0.614 0.643 0.907 ...
#> $ var : num [1:100, 1] 0.03024 0.01694 0.0141 0.02892 0.00633 ...
To add points to the design, use the function
, and include how many points you want to add.
This is the maximum number; it may append a smaller number of points if
it is not able to reach the specified number. To add 200 points:
mod <- CGGPappend(mod, 200, "MAP")
#> CGGP object
#> d = 6
#> output dimensions = 1
#> CorrFunc = PowerExponential
#> number of design points = 297
#> number of unevaluated design points = 200
#> Available functions:
#> - CGGPfit(CGGP, Y) to update parameters with new data
#> - CGGPpred(CGGP, xp) to predict at new points
#> - CGGPappend(CGGP, batchsize) to add new design points
#> - CGGPplot<name>(CGGP) to visualize CGGP model
You would choose to add points to the design in multiple steps, as opposed to all in a single step, so that the fitted model can be used to efficiently select the points to augment the design.
Once you have appended new points, you need to evaluate them and fit
the model again. You can access the new design points that need to be
evaluated using mod$design_unevaluated
Ynew <- apply(mod$design_unevaluated, 1, f)
mod <- CGGPfit(mod, Ynew=Ynew)
#> CGGP object
#> d = 6
#> output dimensions = 1
#> CorrFunc = PowerExponential
#> number of design points = 297
#> number of unevaluated design points = 0
#> Available functions:
#> - CGGPfit(CGGP, Y) to update parameters with new data
#> - CGGPpred(CGGP, xp) to predict at new points
#> - CGGPappend(CGGP, batchsize) to add new design points
#> - CGGPplot<name>(CGGP) to visualize CGGP model
It is very difficult to comprehend what designs in high dimensions look like, but we would like to be able to have visuals and diagnostics to make sure the design is sensible and to try to get an idea of what it is doing. We have implemented a few plotting functions in the CGGP package that aim to provide a visualization of the design and its parameters.
The function CGGPplotblocks
can be used to view the
blocks (indexes) when projected down to each pair of dimensions.
Dimensions that are more interesting should have a wider variety in
Histograms for the values of each index for each dimension are given
by CGGPplothist
. Dimensions with more spread to the right
can be thought of as having been allocated more simulation effort.
#> Warning in ggplot2::scale_y_log10(): log-10 transformation introduced infinite
#> values.
#> Warning: Removed 23 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).
The correlation parameters for each input dimension can also provide useful information about how active each dimension is.
shows Gaussian process (GP) samples using
the correlation parameters for each input dimension. The lines shown do
not depict each dimension, but give an idea of what GP models with the
same correlation parameters look like.
The function CGGPplotslice
shows how the output changes
when a single input is varied across its range from 0 to 1 while holding
all the other inputs at a constant value. This plot may also be referred
to as a slice plot. By default the other input values are held constant
at 0.5, but this can be changed with a parameter. The dots on the plot
are included for points that were measured and used to fit the model.
These dots generally only appear when the other dimensions are held at